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Scoring Credentials App Update

AthletesGoLive is excited to announce that team admin will now be able to edit scoring and streaming credentials so they are much simpler to remember.

They will be allowed to set them to any email and users will now be allowed to both score and stream from the same email on different devices.

Teams are now allowed to assign 5 Team Admins. These team admins will all have the ability to stream and score when needed.

Current users of AthletesGoLive have been given scoring and streaming credentials such as the ones shown here. Admin of teams now have the ability to go in and edit these emails and passwords to make the scoring and streaming aspect of AGL easier for your team. To edit the old streaming and scoring emails in your account, select the customize button to the right of the email and update to any email that works best for your scorers/streamers.

NEW AGL users will no longer be given scoring and streaming credentials. The team admin will have 5 admin slots to fill. Any email associated with an admin account can now be used to stream and score with AGL.

To learn more about AGL’s recent update, check out our product updates page here!


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