Setting Your Roster


  1. Log into your AGL Team Profile

2. Begin adding members to your team.

You will have the choice to “Import Team Roster” or “Add Team Member”.

If you select “Import Team Roster” you will need to download the roster spreadsheet template and start completing the fields. When you are done, save the spreadsheet and upload it to the team profile page.

If you select “Add Team Member” you will add one team member at a time. You will fill in all the required fields, click save and then repeat the process for each member of your team.

Once a team member is added, their parent will receive an email allowing them to access their athlete account and finish setting up their athlete profile.

3.Double check that all of your team members are showing up in the “Team Members” list correctly and that their parent’s have all received emails allowing them to log into and set up their team profiles.

*If you encounter any problems in setting your roster, contact or reach out to the onboarding specialist assigned to your team or organization.